Cisco IOS Configuration Fundamentals Command Reference - R through setup . To disable the message, use the no form of this command. You cannot use the delimiting character in the message. Then enter one or more lines of text, terminating the message with the second occurrence of the delimiting character. You cannot use the delimiting character within the text of the message. Accepts the connection. Prints the custom message.
Clears the connection. To disable the configuration, use the no form of this command. Note This keyword is often issued if the file verify auto command is enabled, which automatically verifies the digital signature of all images that are copied. The reload must take place within approximately 2.
If you specify the month and day, the reload is scheduled to take place at the specified time and date. If you do not specify the month and day, the reload takes place at the specified time on the current day (if the specified time is later than the current time) or on the next day (if the specified time is earlier than the current time). Specifying 0. 0: 0. The reload must take place within 2. Support for this command was added for the Supervisor Engine 7. The warm keyword was added.
In the following example, the user connects to the Cisco IOS image running on the line card in slot 9, gets a list of valid show commands, and returns the. Cisco IOS Configuration Fundamentals Command Reference. Chapter Title. R through setup. PDF - Complete Book (26.08 MB) PDF - This Chapter. Buenas tardes gente de Taringa! Primer aporte bajar el GNS 3 que es.
The /verify and /noverify keywords were added. S This command was modified. Support was added for the Cisco 7. The Cisco 7. 50. 0 series router in not supported in Cisco IOS Release 1.
S. The /verify and /noverify keywords were integrated into Cisco IOS Release 1. S. The /verify and /noverify keywords were integrated into Cisco IOS Release 1. T. Support for this command on the Supervisor Engine 2 was extended to Release 1. SXB. The file keyword and url argument were added. The reason keyword and reason- string argument were added.
If the system is set to restart on error, it reboots itself. Use the reload command after configuration information is entered into a file and saved to the startup configuration.
This restriction prevents the system from using an image stored in the ROM monitor and taking the system out of the remote user's control. During a save operation, the system prompts whether you want to proceed with the save if the CONFIG. If you respond . The time is relative to the configured time zone on the router. To schedule reloads across several routers to occur simultaneously, synchronizethe time on each router with NTP. If you do not specify the month and day, the reload takes place at the specified time on the current day (if the specified time is later than the current time), or on the next day (if the specified time is earlier than the current time). Specifying 0. 0: 0.
The reload must take place within 2. The /verify and /noverify Keywords If the /verify keyword is specified, the integrity of the image will be verified before it is reloaded onto a router. If verification fails, the image reload will not occur. Image verification is important because it assures the user that the image is protected from accidental corruption, which can occur at any time during transit, starting from the moment the files are generated by Cisco until they reach the user.
Thus, if you want to reload your system, but do not want to override the warm reboot functionality, you should specify the warm keyword with the reload command. The warm reboot functionality allows a Cisco IOS image to reload without ROM monitor intervention. That is, read- write data is saved in RAM during a cold startup and restored during a warm reboot. Warm rebooting allows the router to reboot quicker than conventional rebooting (where control is transferred to ROM monitorand back to the image) because nothing is copied from flash to RAM. Proceed with verify? Valid values depend on the chassis that is used. For example, if you have a 1.
The modulenum keyword and argument are supported on DFC- equipped modules and the standby supervisor engine only. Valid values depend on the chassis that is used. For example, if you have a 1. The modulenum keyword and argument are supported on DFC- equipped modules and the standby supervisor engine only. There are two ways to end the session: ? To remove the RSPAN designation, use the no form of this command.
The URL contains the file system, directories, and the filename. Using this command to collect information on any other file will generate output, but the generated output is useless. Router# request platform software package describe file. Package is valid.
Router# request platform software package describe file. ASR1. 00. 0rp. 1- advipservicesk. XN. bin. Package: ASR1. XN. bin. Size: 2. Timestamp: 2. 00.
UTC. Canonical path: /bootflash/ASR1. XN. bin. Raw disk- file SHA1sum. Computed SHA1sum. Saints Row 2 Lan Hamachi.
Contained SHA1sum. Hashes match. Package is valid.
Package is valid. Package is valid. Package is valid. Package is valid. Package is valid.
Package is valid. Package is valid. Additional configuration is needed to configure the router to boot using the provisioning files and run using the individual modules. The Cisco IOS- XE image file is unchanged after the operation is complete. Router# dir bootflash. Directory of bootflash: /.
Dec 4 2. 00. 7 1. Dec 4 2. 00. 7 1. Dec 4 2. 00. 7 1. ASR1. 00. 0rp. 1- advipservicesk. XN. bin. Router# request platform software package expand file. ASR1. 00. 0rp. 1- advipservicesk.
XN. bin. Verifying parameters. Validating package type. Copying package files. Router# dir bootflash. Directory of bootflash: /. Dec 4 2. 00. 7 1. Dec 4 2. 00. 7 1.
Dec 4 2. 00. 7 1. ASR1. 00. 0rp. 1- advipservicesk. XN. bin. 2. 88. 03 - rw- 5. Dec 4 2. 00. 7 1. In this particular example, the contents of a Cisco IOS- XE image stored in usb. Router# dir usb. 0. Directory of usb.
Dec 4 2. 00. 7 1. When the auto- rollbackminutes option is used in this context, a rollback timer that cancels the upgrade after the number of specified minutes cancels the upgrade if the request platform software package install rp rp- slot- numbercommit command is not entered to commit the upgrade. A provisioning file is used for booting only when a Cisco ASR 1.
Series Router is booted using individual sub- packages. If this command is not entered, the router rolls back to the previous software version.
The rollback timer expires after the number of specified minutes. If the auto- rollbackminutes option is not used, the upgrade simply occurs. The force option, which forces the upgrade past any prompt (such as already having the same consolidated package installed), is used in this example. Router# request platform software package install rp 0 file. ASR1. 00. 0rp. 1- advipservicesk.
XN. bin force- -- Starting installation state synchronization - -- . Finished installation state synchronization. Starting file path checking - -- . Finished file path checking. Starting image file verification - -- . Checking image file names. Verifying image file locations.
Locating image files and validating name syntax. Inspecting image file types. Processing image file constraints.
Extracting super package content. Verifying parameters. Validating package type. Copying package files. Checking and verifying packages contained in super package.
Creating candidate provisioning file. WARNING: Candidate software will be installed upon reboot. Finished image file verification. Starting candidate package set construction - -- . Verifying existing software set. Processing candidate provisioning file.
Constructing working set for candidate package set. Constructing working set for running package set. Checking command output. Constructing merge of running and candidate packages. Finished candidate package set construction. Starting compatibility testing - -- . Determining whether candidate package set is compatible.
WARNING: Candidate software combination not found in compatibility database. Determining whether installation is valid. Determining whether installation is valid .. In this example, the force option, which forces the upgrade past any prompt (such as already having the same sub- package installed), and the verbose option, which displays all possible output during the installation, are used. Router# request platform software package install rp 0 file.
IPC is compatible with running software. Checking candidate package set infrastructure compatibility.
CLI output libraries assembled. Assembling CLI input libraries. CLI input libraries assembled. Applying interim IPC and database definitions.
IPC and database definitions applied. Replacing running software. CLI software replaced. Restarting software. In this example, the force option, which forces the upgrade past any prompt (such as already having the same sub- package installed), is used. The verbose option is not used in this example. Router# request platform software package install rp 0 file.
In this example, the force option, which forces the upgrade past any prompt (such as already having the same module installed), is used. Router# request platform software package install rp 0 file. Reboot the router to finish this procedure. In this example, the force option, which forces the upgrade past any prompt (such as already having the same module installed), is used. Router# request platform software package install rp 0 file. Active rollback timers are used when the auto- rollback option is entered when software is being upgraded using the request platform software package install file command.
The directory is named in the command- line as part of the URL. Router(diag)# request platform software package install rp 0 snapshot to. Options include: . For instance, if you wanted to specify the SIP in SIP slot 2 of the router, enter 2 as the number. If a process is in the holddown state, a console message is generated to notify the user that the process is helddown.
These attempts to enable the process also happen automatically at startup. If the Process Manager is unable to enable the process after these attempts, the process will then be placed in the holddown state. Active processes will not be affected by entering this command. Providing shell access would not be necessary.
Cisco IOS Configuration Fundamentals Command Reference, Release 1. Troubleshooting and Fault Management Commands .
To troubleshoot, you need to discover, isolate, and resolve the system problems. You can discover problems with the system monitoring commands, isolate problems with the system test commands (including debug commands), and resolve problems by reconfiguring your system with the suite of Cisco IOS software commands.
For detailed troubleshooting procedures and a variety of scenarios, see the Cisco IOS Internetwork Troubleshooting Guide publication. For complete details on all debug commands, see the Cisco IOS Debug Command Reference. For documentation of commands in Cisco IOS Release 1. T or 1. 2. 3 mainline, see the Cisco IOS Configuration Fundamentals and Network Management Command Reference, Release 1. To exit from the Cisco IOS software image on the line card and return to the Cisco IOS image on the GRP card, use the exitcommand.
Slot numbers range from 0 to 1. Cisco 1. 20. 12 router and 0 to 7 for the Cisco 1.
If the slot number is omitted, you are prompted for the slot number. Alternatively, you can use the execute- on privileged EXEC command to execute a show command on a specific line card. Note Do not execute the config EXEC command from the Cisco IOS software image on the line card.
To disable field diagnostics on a line card, use the no form of this command. Slot numbers range from 0 to 1. Cisco 1. 20. 12 and 0 to 7 for the Cisco 1. Slot numbers for the CSC are 1. FSC are 1. 8, 1. 9, and 2.
The EPOST test suite is not as comprehensive as the field diagnostics, and a pass/fail message is the only message displayed on the console. By default, only the minimum status messages are displayed on the console. If you specify the optional wait keyword, the Cisco IOS software is not automatically reloaded on the line card after the test completes.
If you use this keyword, you must use the microcode reloadslot global configuration command, or manually remove and insert the line card (to power it up) in the slot so that the GRP will recognize the line card and download the Cisco IOS software image to the line card. For example, running diagnostics on a SFC or CSC will cause the fabric to go from full bandwidth to one- fourth bandwidth.
Bandwidth is not affected by GRP or line card diagnostics. Caution Performing field diagnostics on a line card stops all activity on the line card. Before the. diag EXEC command begins running diagnostics, you are prompted to confirm the request to perform field diagnostics on the line card. However, not all tests that are performed are displayed. To view all the tests that are performed, use the verbose keyword. If the line card sends a PASSED message, the Cisco IOS software image on the line card is automatically reloaded unless the wait keyword is specified. If the line card sends a TEST FAILURE message, the Cisco IOS software image on the line card is not automatically reloaded.
Note When you stop the field diagnostic test, the line card remains down (that is, in an unbooted state). In most cases, you stopped the testing because you need to remove the line card or replace the line card. If that is not the case, and you want to bring the line card back up (that is, online), you must use the microcode reload global configuration command or power cycle the line card. In future releases this might not be the case because DRAM and SDRAM SIMM modules might be field replaceable units. For example, if the DRAM test failed you might only need to replace the DRAM on the line card. After the line card passes all field diagnostic tests, the Cisco IOS software is automatically reloaded on the card.
Before starting the diagnostic tests, you must confirm the request to perform these tests on the line card because all activity on the line card is halted. The total/indiv. Router# diag 3. Running Diags will halt ALL activity on the requested slot. To return to the default core filename, use the no form of this command. Creating a core dump while the router is functioning in a network can disrupt network operation. The resulting binary file, which is very large, must be transferred to a TFTP, File Transfer Protocol (FTP), or remote copy protocol (rcp) server and subsequently interpreted by technical personnel that have access to source code and detailed memory maps. If the router's memory is larger than 1.
MB, the whole core file will not be copied to the server. Therefore, use rcp or FTP to dump the core file.
To disable core dumps, use the no form of this command. Creating a core dump while the router is functioning in a network can disrupt network operation.
The resulting binary file, which is very large, must be transferred to a TFTP, File Transfer Protocol (FTP), or remote copy protocol (rcp) server and subsequently interpreted by technical personnel that have access to source code and detailed memory maps. If the router's memory is larger than 1.
MB, the whole core file will not be copied to the server. Therefore, use rcp or FTP to dump the core file. You can change the name of the core file by configuring the exception core- file command. However, if successful, the core dump file will be the size of the memory available on the processor (for example, 1. MB for a CSC/4). To disable the storing of crash information for the line card, use the no form of this command. Slot numbers range from 0 to 1. Cisco 1. 20. 12 and 0 to 7 for the Cisco 1.
The default filename is hostname- core- slot- number (for example, c. Size of the memory to store is 0 to 2. Size of the memory to store can be from 0 to 1. Size of the memory to store can be from 0 to 6. Only enable options that the technical support representative requests you to enable.
Technical support representatives need to be able to look at the crash information from the line card to troubleshoot serious problems on the line card. The crash information contains all the line card memory information including the main memory and transmit and receive buffer information. Caution Use caution when enabling the.
Enabling all options could cause a large amount (1. MB) of crash information to be sent to the server. By default, 2. 56 MB of main memory is stored. To cause the router to create a core dump and reboot when certain memory size parameters are violated, use theexception memoryglobal configuration command.
To disable the rebooting and core dump, use the no form of this command. Creating a core dump while the router is functioning in a network can disrupt network operation. The resulting binary file, which is very large, must be transferred to a TFTP, File Transfer Protocol (FTP), or remote copy protocol (rcp) server and subsequently interpreted by technical personnel that have access to source code and detailed memory maps. If you enter a size that is greater than the free memory, a core dump and router reload is generated after 6.
If the exception dump command is not configured, the router reloads without generating a core dump. If the amount of free memory falls below 2. To configure the router to use the default protocol, use the no form of this command. This is the default. Creating a core dump while the router is functioning in a network can disrupt network operation.
The resulting binary file, which is very large, must be transferred to a TFTP, File Transfer Protocol (FTP), or remote copy protocol (rcp) server and subsequently interpreted by technical personnel that have access to source code and detailed memory maps. If the router's memory is larger than 1. MB, the whole core file will not be copied to the server. Therefore, use rcp or FTP to dump the core file. To use the default region size, use the no form of this command. Creating a core dump while the router is functioning in a network can disrupt network operation.
The resulting binary file, which is very large, must be transferred to a TFTP, File Transfer Protocol (FTP), or remote copy protocol (rcp) server and subsequently interpreted by technical personnel that have access to source code and detailed memory maps. The exception memory command must be used to allocate memory to perform a core dump. To disable the core dump and reload, use the no form of this command.
Creating a core dump while the router is functioning in a network can disrupt network operation. The resulting binary file, which is very large, must be transferred to a TFTP, File Transfer Protocol (FTP), or remote copy protocol (rcp) server and subsequently interpreted by technical personnel that have access to source code and detailed memory maps. If the router's memory is larger than 1. MB, the whole core file will not be copied to the server. Therefore, use rcp or FTP to dump the core file.
Slot numbers can be chosen from the following ranges: . Do not use this option; it is used for technical support troubleshooting only. This allows you to issue commands remotely; that is, to issue commands without needing to log in to the line card directly. The all form of the command allows you to issue commands to all the line cards without having to log in to each in turn.
Tip This command is useful when used with show EXEC commands (such as show version), because you can verify and troubleshoot the features found only on a specific line card. Please note, however, that because not all statistics are maintained on the line cards, the output from some of the show commands might not be consistent. Timesaver Though you can use the attach privileged EXEC command to execute commands on a specific line card, using the execute- on slot command saves you some steps. For example, first you must use the attach command to connect to the Cisco IOS software running on the line card. Next you must issue the command. Finally you must disconnect from the line card to return to the Cisco IOS software running on the GRP card.
With the execute- on slot command, you can perform three steps with one command. In addition, the execute- on all command allows you to perform the same command on all line cards simultaneously.