Air Circulation & Exhaust Tutorialby Nebula Haze. Table of Contents.
Introduction. Air Circulation & Ventilation: What are the Benefits? Using Fans. Understanding Airflow & Exhaust Systems. How to Create an Exhaust System.
What are the best marijuana grow rooms? You can grow weed in a cupboard, cabinet, grow tent or full room. The best indoor grow rooms depend on how its build.
How to Make a Stealthy Exhaust - Examples. Cannabis plants love a nice breeze and fresh air in the wild. When growing cannabis indoors, you have the ability to control the air circulation and use your exhaust to create the perfect indoor environment for your garden that mimics the best parts of nature. This air circulation and exhaust tutorial will teach you how to recreate an environment that makes cannabis thrive, and as a bonus will also prevent some types of bugs and mold.
By venting out the hot air from your grow lights and pulling in fresh air, you will increase your cannabis plant's speed of growth and yields. Good ventilation pays for itself! During my first indoor cannabis grow, I didn't pay much attention to air circulation or creating an exhaust.
I had a fan blowing directly on my plants and thought I was good to go. I found out that growing my plants without any way to exhaust heat caused the grow area to become way too hot and humid, even with small grow lights like CFLs. This led to several issues, including root problems, white powdery mildew and heat burn.
It could have been much worse because these same conditions can also lead to bud rot, fungus gnats, spider mites, and other unpleasant guests in the grow room. Once I started exhausting out air from my grow area, cannabis plants grew faster and so many random problems disappeared.
It made me realize how many indoor cannabis growers may be unintentionally hurting their plants and yields by missing a few key points about air circulation and creating an exhaust to vent out heat. Here's some important points I've learned about air circulation.. Faster Growth, Bigger Yields - Plants given the right environment grow faster and produce more bud. Temperature & Humidity - An exhaust system helps control the temperature and humidity levels in the grow area by venting out hot and humid air, and replacing it with fresh air.
Fans within the grow area prevent hot or humid patches. Prevent Mold & Pests - Many molds and pests like stagnant air, high humidity and heat. Fresh cool air blowing over and under your plants will reduce your chance of seeing many types of mold and pests. Stronger Stems - A breezy environment strengthens stems. Use More than One Fan - Air circulation within the grow area is just as important as venting old air out. It's important to have both an exhaust fan and small oscillating fans within the grow area for the best results. Exhaust Systems Can Be Cheap & Stealthy - There are cheap and stealthy ways to create a great ventilation system with good air circulation and an exhaust.
You have more options than drilling holes or ducting, and many window exhaust options are undetectable outside. Learn how to make a stealthy exhaust! Air Circulation. Air circulation (the way air moves around in your grow space) is an important ingredient to create a perfect growing environment for your cannabis. Indoor growers strive to create a better- than- nature environment for their plants. The way that air moves has a surprisingly big effect on how your plants will grow. In nature, cannabis plants thrive in a gentle breeze.
Why is Air Circulation Important? When growing cannabis indoors, plants are normally in a relatively sealed environment without access to regular wind, whether plants grow in a closet, a tent or an room dedicated to growing. This can cause some problems compared to growing outside. Outside in ideal conditions there's a breeze flowing through plants, giving them fresh air and strengthening stems. A steady supply of fresh air along with a breeze (not too much, not too little) helps cannabis grow faster and even protects plants against certain pests and molds. Benefits of good air circulation and an exhaust system include..
Reduce Chance of Mold, Bud Rot & White Powdery Mildew. As air blows over the leaves, it carries away moisture released during transpiration. This allows your plants to drink more water (and pull in more nutrients) at the roots. This regular removal of moisture on the leaves also greatly lowers your chance of running into mold, but rot or white powdery mildew. Protects Cannabis Against Spider Mites & Fungus Gnats. Air flowing over the plants and soil fights against nasty garden pests like spider mites and fungus gnats by making it hard to fly and drying out the top layer of soil.
Spider mites and fungus gnats both love stagnant air and have trouble living in a strong breeze. A breeze also creates a lot of air circulation over the plant containers, which keeps the top layer of soil relatively dry. Dry top soil makes it hard for pests like fungus gnats to breed (moist top soil creates a perfect breeding ground for molds & fungus gnats). Whether growing inside or outside, growers with a nice breeze blowing over their plants and soil tend to get less pests. Temperature & Humidity Control. Great air circulation combined with an exhaust system helps disperse water vapor and heat evenly throughout the grow space.
Small oscillating fans blowing above and below the plant canopy helps equalize the air so there’s no hot or humid spots. An exhaust system ensures that all the air in the grow space is replaced regularly, so plants stay cool, get a fresh supply of CO2, and live in the right humidity. It’s important for plants to be exposed to fresh, moving air for the best growth rates. Learn more about temperature and humidity. Strengthens Stems.
A nice breeze strengthen stems by allowing them to bend and sway like in nature. This builds up the strength of stems over time, which comes in handy when plants start to get big and heavy from bud. Use Fans & Exhaust System to Control Environment Indoors.
Some of the best tools to control air flow, humidity and temperature in the grow room are fans along with a way to vent out used air. Let's cover what you need to know about fans for in the grow room and as part of your exhaust system. Placing Fans In The Grow Area. Most indoor cannabis growers use fans to blow air around within the grow area. This creates a nice breezy environment that cannabis plants love. Placing Fans. Ideally you’d like a nice breeze surrounding the main canopy, which means you want air blowing above and under the plants.
Don’t point a strong fan directly at a plant, because too much wind can start to damage the leaves and stems. After placing fans, check around the grow area to make sure that all parts get a slight breeze. If you feel stagnant air or a lack or breeze, you may want to adjust your fans. Small oscillating fans are great for the grow space since they’re cheap and can be used to provide a nice gentle breeze to a relatively wide area without blowing on any one part too long.
Be Careful! Too Much Wind Causes Clawed Leaves. When there’s too much breeze, the affected leaves will start getting “wind- burned.”Wind- burned leaves are often curved under and form “claws.” They can look like they’re droopy from overwatering, underwatering, or possible a nitrogen toxicity, but you know you’ve got wind- burn when the leaves in front of the fan are clawing, and leaves further away from the fan look fine. Just for reference, here’s what too much wind/fan looks like!
Too Much Fan! Choosing the Right Fan for Exhaust System. Even when you're not worried about heat, it's still important to regularly replace all the air in the grow area, which means you need a way to vent out old air. An exhaust system uses fans and often ducting to move hot and humid air out of the grow space. Designing an efficient exhaust system will be much simpler if you take the time to understand airflow in a room - the whole idea of setting up an exhaust system is to create negative airflow in the grow space or grow tent so that any hot air is regularly replaced with new, fresh cool air.
All the air in the tent should be replaced by new air every 1- 3 minutes for the best results. I recommend aiming to replace the air every one minute unless you live in a cool place. You can calculate the strength of exhaust fan you need based on the dimensions of your grow space. In order to move air out of the tent and vent it outside, you need to use at least one strong fan as part of your exhaust system. How to Calculate Exhaust Fan Strength. In the US, most exhaust fans have a .
This means . It's important to get a fan with the correct CFM rating for your size space. In addition to CFM, there are 3 sizes that exhaust fans come in as far as diameter (how wide the fan is). They usually come in 4”, 6” or 8”. Generally it’s recommended to get a 6” for most setups, since most air- cooled hoods and ducting have a 6” opening. You can also use converters if you need to convert a 6” hold to a 4” fan. You probably want a fan with a 6” diameter exhaust fan.
Here's a short equation to help you determine what CFM rating you need for your fan in your space. How to calculate CFM needed.
Determine the cubic area of your space by multiplying Length x Width x Height. You want to exhaust this amount of air every minute. Exhaust Efficiency - Every exhaust system has some level of inefficiency which will lower the amount of air being moved by the fan. This step tells you how much extra air- moving power needed to compensate. With an efficient exhaust, air goes in a short, straight line after passing through the fan.
An inefficient path is when air has to go a long way after leaving the fan, or if the air has to go around turns instead of being in a straight line. This step will help make sure your fan is moving enough air to properly ventilate your space. Fans are measured by CFM (cubic feet/minute), so you need a fan that has a CFM higher than the number you figured out in the last step.
Whole House Water Filters . The filtration design is like no other. Compare the Pur. Home X- 1. In addition to the Vortech. Sediment Filter. Helps more evenly disburse water and maintain high flow rates.
NSF Certified KDF- 5. NSF Certified Bituminous Carbon.
NSF Certified Coconut Shell Carbon. NSF Certified Carbonsorb Catalytic Carbon. The Pur. Home X- 1. THMs as well as chloramines, lead and other heavy metals, VOCs and SOCs including pesticides, herbicides, benzene, MTBE, and much more.
With over 9. 8 pounds of NSF. This whole house water filter is great for larger homes or large families that require higher flow rates than standard filtration systems or those who want a ten year performance guarantee. X- 1. 00. 0 Benefits Crystal- clear, odor- free water throughout your entire home for just cents per day Purified, healthy water for cooking, showering and drinking Chlorine- free water for softer hair and skin Clothes will be brighter with less fading Extends the life of water- using appliances Water heaters operate more efficiently Maintains healthy minerals Does not promote bacterial growth Provides healthy water for pets No Electricity No Backwashing (no water waste) Easy to install, built- in by- pass Low Maintenance with a washable and reusable pre- filter (can wash several times before needing to replace) 1. Performance Guarantee on Media 1. Year Warranty on Components. Specifications. Dimensions: Main unit is 5. Flow Rate: 1.
Pur. Home X- 1. 00. FAQs. Q: What are the Internationally Recognized Certifications on the X- 1. NSF: Pentek 1. 0. The system can also be installed outside or buried in the ground in climates where the temperatures do not reach below freezing.
Q: How does the Pur. Home X- 1. 00. 0 whole home water filtration system stack up against the competition's filters?
Click here to see a whole house water filter comparison chart. Q: Will all the water in my house be filtered? A: Yes, the Pur. Home X- 1. Q: Does the Pur. Home X- 1. A: NO. Q: Does the Pur. Home X- 1. 00. 0 need to be backwashed? A: No, the Pur. Home X- 1.
The Pur. Home X- 1. Environmentally Friendly product.
Q: How easy is it to install the Pur. Home X- 1. 00. 0? A: Installation is pretty simple for a skilled Plumber or handy homeowner with knowledge of plumbing.
Everyone's plumbing set- up is different and therefore you may want to consult with a Plumber on the intallation requirements for your specific set- up prior to purchase. Detailed installation instructions and supplied fittings make it easy to understand and install the Pur. Home X- 1. 00. 0 system.
Also, you or your plumber may contact our knowledgeable Customer Service Technicians for further assistance during the installation process. Installation instructions are available on our website for easy downloading.
The Pur. Home X- 1. We do offer hard water treatment options including traditional water softeners and salt- free systems both you can find under the whole house catagory. Q: What is the cost to replace the media inside the Pur.
Home after 1. 0 years of 1,0. A: The current cost to replace the media for the Pur. Home X- 1. 00. 0 is $6. We use a media called KDF5. KDF5. 5 is bacteria inhibiting which means bacteria cannot grow in its presence. The Pur. Home X- 1. Chloramines and VOC removal.
This filtering combination provides long lasting filtration. Using KDF5. 5 with carbon eliminates the need for backwashing saving water and electricity. KDF5. 5 is an NSF (National Science Foundation) certified water filtration media that is used in Hospitals, Restaurants, Municipal Water Treatment Facilities, and Homes across the United States.
The rule of thumb is if chlorine is breaking through so are other contaminates. Q: Will the Pur. Home X- 1. Fluoride? A: No, the Pur.
Home X- 1. 00. 0 is not designed to remove Fluoride; however the KDF5. To completely remove the Fluoride we recommend a nano type of filtration only found in reverse osmosis systems. Fluoride is not harmful when bathing and therefore removing it from the drinking only is the most popular method of treatment. For “super purified” water removing virtually every organic and inorganic contaminant including the Fluoride, we recommend our Hydrotech Push Button monitoring reverse osmosis system under your kitchen sink. This is commonly paired when using a whole house specialized treatment system. We use a high quality one- piece manifold system and it comes with a water quality monitor.
You will find information at this link: http: //www. Hydrotech- Push- Button- RO- WQA- Certified.
Removing fluoride from water can be harmful to health of teeth. We provide a Chrome Jacket Sleeve that slides over the Vortech tank for appearance only, the water is held by the Vortech tank underneath the chrome jacket.
Q: What contaminates are filtered? The Pur. Home X- 1.
THMs as well as chloramine, lead and other heavy metals, VOCs and SOCs including pesticides, herbicides, benzene, MTBE, and much more. With over 9. 8 pounds of NSF. Activated Carbon Stages Filters Chlorine and the following: VOC's. Ghost Recon Alpha Italiano Download Mp3.
Dichloroethylene 1,1,2- Trichloroethane. Trichloroethane. 1,2 Dichlorobenzene. Dichloroethane. 1,2 Dichloropropane. Trichlorobenzene. Dichlorobenzene. Acrytamide. Adipates. Benzene. Chlorobenzene. CIS- 1,2 Dichloroethylene.
Dibromochloropropane. Dichloroethylene. Dioxin. Epichlorohydrin. Pesticides. Aldicarb Aldicarb Sulfone.
Aldicarb Sulfoxide. Carboturan. Chlordane. Endrin. Heptachlor. Heptachlor Expoxide. Hexachlorobenzene.
Hexachlorocyclopentadiene. Lindane. Methoxychlor. Oxamyl Ethlbenzene. Ethylene Dibromide. Monochlorobenzene.
PAHs. Phthalate (di(2- ethylhexyl))Polychlorinated. Biophenyts (PCBs)Radon (Radionuclide Contaminant)Styrene.
Tetrachloroethylene. Toluene. Total Trihalomethanes (THMs): - Chloroform- Bromoform- Bromodichloromethane- Dibromochloromethane.
Trans- 1,2. Trichloroethylene. Vinyl Chloride. Xyienes Herbicides 2,4- D 2,4,5- TP (silvex)Alachlor. Atrazine. Dalapon.
Dinoseb. Diquat. Endothall. Glyphosphate. Pentachlorophenol. Picloram. Simazine. Plus, the Patented KDF- 5. Copper Lead. Mercury.
Dissolved metals. AND.. KDF- 5. 5 Media Inhibits Bacterial Growth Important Note to California Residents: Puri. Team reserves the right to use carbon media that are approved by the State of California according to Proposition 6. If you are a CA resident, please visit www. Pur. Home X- 1. 00. Installation Instructions and Manual.