Data Source Name Not Found And No Default Driver Specified Vb6

Data Source Name Not Found And No Default Driver Specified Vb6

ODBC- ODBC Bridge. The Easysoft ODBC- ODBC Bridge simply allows applications on one machine to access ODBC data sources on another.

It supports multiple concurrent connections from multiple clients to multiple target databases. The principal application is to enable access from Linux and Unix platforms to remote ODBC databases. For example, Apache/PHP programs on Linux can read/write data held on MS SQL Server on Windows, and Perl programs can read/write data held in a MS Access database. Supported applications are numerous. Supported platforms include Linux, Mac OS X, Windows and various Unix flavors. ODBC Bridge for Linux, Unix and Windows. The Easysoft ODBC- ODBC Bridge (OOB).

ODBC application to access an ODBC driver on a remote machine. The. OOB Client is an ODBC. OOB Server. The. connects to an existing ODBC driver on the server machine.

It does not need. The OOB is normally.

ODBC driver you cannot obtain for the client. For example, your ODBC application needs to run on Linux but it needs to.

Data Source Name Not Found And No Default Driver Specified Vb6

Storing Images in Memory. Images can be written to and read back from an OLE variant array as binary data. This is a fast method for moving images around in an.

Data Source Name Not Found And No Default Driver Specified Vb6
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  2. I totally disagree with you because I've been using Excel as a database for several years already. Access might be superior in handling and storing data, but, as in.

Microsoft ODBC driver only available on Windows. Our customers are typically using the OOB. Perl, Apache/PHP, Python and C to access many Windows- only ODBC drivers from Unix and Linux, including: Microsoft SQL Server. Microsoft Access. Microsoft Navision. Any other database for which an ODBC driver is available. To help you administer and control remote ODBC access, the.

OOB Server also offers features. ODBC data access. Features. Client. The OOB Client is a. ODBC 3. 5 compliant ODBC driver. The OOB Client. provides access to remote ODBC drivers installed on machines other than the one. ODBC application is running.

In addition, the OOB Client: Leads you through the process of creating your first. Unix. Has built in support for installing itself into the Microsoft. ODBC Driver Manager, the Open Source unix. ODBC Driver Manager. Supported applications include Open.

Office. org, Applix. Ware, Star. Office, Microsoft Access and Microsoft Excel. Performs caching of SQLGet. Info results. Contains ODBC optimisations for fetching rows from applications not. Compresses network data for maximum throughput.

Has comprehensive tracing facilities. Contains a demonstration ODBC application (with source) that connects.

ODBC data source. Encrypts sensitive information (like connection strings which often. Data can also be encrypted by passing. IP tunnel. Includes the unix. ODBC Driver Manager on Unix platforms and the Microsoft. Driver Manager on Windows.

Has thread- safe versions for platforms supporting threads. Supports fallback OOB servers to. If the primary server is unable to service a request. Server. The OOB Server is a.

Windows service manager or. Unix or it is a standalone application. It receives ODBC API calls. OOB Client and. directs them to the requested ODBC driver. In addition, the OOB Server: Contains an HTTP Administration Server which can be used to. OOB Server. Uses native OS authentication to protect access to your data. OOB. HTTP Administration Server.

Supports access control rules that let you restrict access to. OOB Server by. user, machine or network address. Can protect thread- unsafe ODBC drivers when accessed from a multi- threaded application. Provides statistics on uptime, CPU usage, total connections. Audits connection activity to a file. Generates audit log (and native Windows.

Can display a list of configured System DSNs in the. HTTP Administration Server. The System DSNs are therefore visible in any Web browser. Can limit the total number of concurrent connections or connections.

Also logs all clients that have. Supports access control lists that let you restrict access to DSNs by user. Can restrict remote access to the HTTP Administration Server by user. Remote access can also be disabled entirely. Allows individual HTTP Administration Server pages to be password. For example, the pages that let you.

OOB configuration. DSNs and their underlying databases. Allows these statistics to be exported to timestamped file: average. Rotates audit files automatically. Lets you view audit files in the HTTP Administration Server.

Can provide a graphical representation of connection history and auditable events helping. Can provide data source statistics including connections per DSN and average time per connection.

Logs failing SQL. This helps you track down who or what is failing. Lets you export configuration details and licenses to create backup copies. The default behaviour.

Provides a remote DSN explorer allowing DSN, tables, columns, and rows to. Browsing remote DSNs is useful when writing your client application on a.

DSNs have been added. Download Speed Hack For Css Validator here. Supports process affinity on Windows.

This lets you define which. CPUs are available to the OOB Server. Windows machines with multiple CPUs. Can enable connection pooling in the Driver Manager, reducing connection times for applications. ODBC connections. The OOB Server uses the.

ODBC driver so if the protocol is changed by the. OOB automatically supports. ODBC driver synchronised with the database. An example of this is Microsoft SQL Server. OOB uses the Microsoft SQL Server ODBC driver. Microsoft SQL Server.

If the TDS (Tabular Data. Stream) protocol is changed. OOB automatically tracks this change. A call to SQLGet. Functions from the application will return the. ODBC driver and not those supported. OOB Client. SQLAlloc.

Connect. SQLAlloc. Env. SQLAlloc. Handle. SQLAlloc. Handle. Std. SQLAlloc. Stmt. SQLBind. Col. SQLBind. Parameter. SQLBrowse. Connect. SQLBulk.

Operations. SQLCancel. SQLClose. Cursor. SQLCol. Attribute. SQLCol. Attributes.

SQLColumn. Privileges. SQLColumns. SQLConnect. SQLCopy. Desc. SQLDescribe. Col. SQLDescribe.

Param. SQLDisconnect. SQLDriver. Connect. SQLEnd. Tran. SQLError. SQLExec. Direct. SQLExecute.

SQLExtended. Fetch. SQLFetch. SQLFetch. Scroll. SQLForeign. Keys. SQLFree. Connect. SQLFree. Env. SQLFree. Handle. SQLFree. Stmt. SQLGet. Connect. Attr.

SQLGet. Connect. Option. SQLGet. Cursor. Name. SQLGet. Data. SQLGet. Desc. Field. SQLGet. Desc. Rec. SQLGet. Diag. Field. SQLGet.

Diag. Rec. SQLGet. Env. Attr. SQLGet. Functions. SQLGet.

Info. SQLGet. Stmt. Attr. SQLGet. Stmt. Option. SQLGet. Type. Info. SQLMore. Results. SQLNative. Sql. SQLNum. Params. SQLNum. Result. Cols. SQLParam. Data.

SQLParam. Options. SQLPrepare. SQLPrimary. Keys. SQLProcedure. Columns. SQLProcedures. SQLPut. Data. SQLRow. Count. SQLSet. Connect. Attr. SQLSet. Connect.

Option. SQLSet. Cursor. Name. SQLSet. Desc. Field. SQLSet. Desc. Rec. SQLSet. Env.

Attr. SQLSet. Pos. SQLSet. Scroll. Options. SQLSet. Stmt. Attr.

SQLSpecial. Columns. SQLStatistics. SQLTable. Privileges. SQLTables.

There are no ODBC functions partially supported or unsupported. The following ODBC installer functions are provided by.

OOB Setup library: SQLConfig. Driver. SQLConfig.

DSNThe following ODBC functions are provided by the Driver Manager: ODBC Data Types. SQL. The SQL supported is that SQL. ODBC driver behind the. OOB Server. ODBC Features. The OOB supports all. ODBC features supported by the remote ODBC driver behind the.

OOB Server with one. Driver specific SQL. To our. knowledge, no current ODBC drivers have driver- specific pointer. The OOB provides. ODBC driver with the following. Calls to SQLGet. Info for SQL. This may. be overridden with Get.

Info. Pass. Thru connection or DSN attribute. The results of most SQLGet. Info calls are cached in. OOB Client so that.

Info Value in the ODBC application are. ODBC driver. Any error generated by OOB itself. For example, if you attempt to access. OOB Server from a. OOB Server's access.

Row- wise binding of columns is not duplicated in the remote ODBC. OOB. As far as the ODBC application is concerned, row- wise. ODBC application other than possibly a very small increase in time. If the connection or DSN attribute Block. Fetch. Size is set to a. OOB documentation).

OOB client will bind. The remote ODBC driver will see SQLBind. Col. and SQLFetch calls instead of SQLFetch and SQLGet. Data calls. If the connection or DSN attribute Meta. Data. Block. Fetch is enabled. Block. Fetch. Size is. SQLTables). This is an optimisation.

ODBC application. Thread Safety. The Windows OOB Client. This means it is safe to use behind multi- threaded applications. ODBC 3. 0 drivers are supposed to be).

The non- Windows OOB Client. OOB. Every time an OOB Client.

OOB Server port. inetd/xinetd starts a new OOB Server process to. There can only be one thread of execution in these circumstances.

Data Source Name Not Found And No Default Driver Specified Vb6
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